List of Chocolate Bars with Coconut

I don’t know if it is because I have dear friends who love coconut and welcome my chocolate discoveries or because I do love it and need excuses, but I am always looking for new bars with coconut. It is a kind of bounty 2.0., especially when the chocolate makers find the perfect balance between these 2 (or more as you’ll see) ingredients.

Until now, I have tried coconut bars from 9 makers. They are all very different. Firstly because they use different coconut ingredients: some use coconut shreds, others milk/mylk or coconut blossom sugar. And some include several of these ingredients or all at once. Then, they also use different origins for their beans (Indian, Bolivian, Peruvian, etc.) This means a great variety of bars.

So, if you are a coconut aficionado, here is a short list of bars that you might like to try:

Milk or mylk bars

  • Vanilla coconut dark milk 45% by Madagascan Menakao (with coconut milk and shreds): I fell for this one. Creamy, coconutey, and nice shreds on top. And, most importantly to me, the taste of this typical Madagascan chocolate doesn’t disappear. It still rises, with notes of red fruits and a nice kick of acidity. Imo, one of the best milk chocolate so far.
  • Ben Tre (Vietnam) with coconut milk 55% by Vietnamese Marou (with coconut milk): Creamy bar too, staunchly coconutey, but also citrusey and something reminding me of raspberry jam.
  • Coconut bar 55% with Chililique (Peru) chocolate by Scottish Chocolate Tree (coconut milk & coconut blossom sugar): slightly grainy texture, it is coconutey, and acidic, an acidity I remember having tasted in their Chililique bar. A powerful bar.
  • Coconut bar 51% with Alto Beni (Bolivia) by Czech Herufek Chocolate: Creamy bar, coconutey at will with notes of dairy (cow milk) and a hint of acidity. It may be a 51%, it isn’t too sweet.
  • Caramelized Coconut Mylk 54% by US Endorfin Foods (coconut sugar and milk): I remember liking this bar made in California. But I wrote nothing about it. I was too busy savouring it, I suppose! Their other bars are also made with coconut sugars.
  • Coconut Crunch 60%, by Indian Soklet (coconut milk, sugar and roasted shreds): that is the ultimate coconut bar, with three different ingredients. It smells coconutey, tastes coconutey, slightly acidic and fruity. With the very peculiar taste given by the coconut sugar, as in the bars of Chocolate tree and Endorfin.

Dark bars

  • Coconut bar 60% by Canadian Avanaa (coconut shreds): The coconut has been grinded for 2 days with the beans, leaving a delicious coconut taste in a creamy bar. I love it.
  • Coconut n’dark 60%, by Vanuatu Gaston Chocolat (coconut shreds): Smooth bar, deep coconut taste, but not overpowering the fruitiness and slight acidity of the chocolate.
  • Red Coconut Curry bar 64% by US Patric (coconut shreds): I already spoke about this incredible bar, where all the flavours can be distinguished: ginger sugar, chiles, coconut flakes. A sweet and salty balance, the whole being much more than the sum of its parts. A wow moment.

What is your favourite coconut bar?

4 Comments Add yours

  1. vimtuous says:

    I havent had Endorfins coconut bar, but I’ve had their Turkish coffee bar and that was decadent. My favorite bar with coconut is probably the Tony Chocolonly Coconut Pecan bar! It’s almost like a chocolate coconut pecan pie and it is super delicious.


    1. Thanks a lot for the info! I have never tried this one. I will !

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Simon Johnson says:

    Have you tried Cachet’s Coconut & Pineapple bar?

    The red coconut curry bar sounds amazing!


    1. Hi, no I haven’t! Thanks for the tip, I’ll try to find it next time I am going to the UK


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