BOHO, Milk chocolate + Potato Chips

(EN) Today I share with you something totally regressive. You know, when you put a piece of food in your mouth and wellness is flowing, together with fond food memories & you cant help but smile. That kind of feeling.

Où trouver du bon chocolat à Bruxelles?

« Où puis-je trouver du bon chocolat à Bruxelles » ? C’est une des questions que l’on me pose le plus souvent. Et je comprends, je vous donne envie en vous montrant des tablettes faites de fèves de qualité, et je ne vous dis même pas où les trouver à Bruxelles ! Honte à moi, je vais essayer de…

Cacao 70 factory – Canada

(FR) Spécial Canada: Cacao 70 Factory. Cacao 70 a commencé comme “bar à chocolat à boire” à Montréal. C’est petit à petit devenu une chaine commerciale qui a aujourd’hui plus de 20 espaces gourmands, comptoirs sucrés et atelier dip (pour les glaces) au travers du Canada.

Palette de bine – Canada

(EN) Palette de Bine! Have you ever had the opportunity to taste these awesome small batch bars 🍫, single origin (her Haiti, Guatemala…) or blend, some made with maple sugar (a bliss, the customers’ favourite and winner of countless awards), others covered with honey candy or puffed quinoa and tamari (crafted in collaboration with Dinette…

Avanaa Chocolat – Canada

(FR) Rencontrez les artisans: Avanaa Chocolat ! J’ai eu la chance de pouvoir rencontrer Catherine cette semaine, qui a lancé Avanaa chocolat à Montréal 🇨🇦, et Rafaelle qui travaille avec elle. Elles tiennent un chouette magasin et atelier où on peut trouver ses tablettes et du chocolat chaud. Catherine est géologue de formation (dans le…

Where to find craft chocolate in Brussels?

“Where can I indulge my craving for craft, specialty chocolate bars in Brussels?” That is a question I get regularly. And for good reasons: it isn’t that easy to find places where you can buy your craft bars, be it from Belgian or other makers. This list is by no way exhaustive, but it can…

Krak, Don Moisés Mexico 70%

(En) I have a bar which has a great story. Want to hear it? The bar: Krak Don Moisés 70% Rating: ⭐⭐⭐ Keywords: Dark; Smooth; Bitter; Dairy, Fruity, Caramely ➡️ Those who like to discover a bar with character and a little bitterness

Visite chez Thibaut Legast Chocolatier

(EN) After a holiday break, here I am to relate my visit to Thibaut Legast chocolatier, overall winner of the 2018 European bean-to-bar competition for his dark Peru bar.

Ajala Rustic 70%

(EN) For this quick introduction to a bar, back to the Czech Republic for an old fashioned type of chocolate. I told you I would give you some news from another bar from the Czech maker Ajala.